It has been quite a mission to find the perfect bag.
I needed one that met all my requirements:
- Designed specifically for women (make that small women!)
- Tough enough to survive 6 months, but not too heavy duty (c’mon who am I kiddin? Im not reeeally technically backpacking!)
- Easy access and a GOOD SOLID locking system!
- Wheeeeeeels! (This is crucial for someone not quite built like Hulk!)
- Not sure if I will be able to wheel the thing around everywhere – so may need a comfortable way to carry the bag now and again. So, by the time I come back, I will look like Thunder Thighs! :o)
- Pockets – oh I’m such a freak for organisation!
- CHEAP! Ah I am such a cheapy cheapy cheap cheap!
- An inbuilt cappuccino machine won’t go amiss! ;o)
Gurcharan managed to find his perfect partner (…not me!) thanks to my brother Himmat’s ingenious-time-wasting-on-the-internet-while-at-work. It has aaaalll the above spec, except it’s not designed for women. You see Gurcharan is a man, not a woman. He is very much a man. So its perfect for him. But I am a woman, I guess I could pass as a man and buy the same bag. But something tells me I will regret it later.
So, I applied the same ingenious principle that my brother has by now perfected and found this:
The Berghaus Womens Jalan 65 + 15 Rucksack (you can call her 'lil miss Baggins!)
Yup! It's a backpack and trolly bag all in one! The coolest thing is it has a cute little baby bag zipped onto the front - so you can take it off and use it as a day bag! But, like all good lookin gals, she comes with a price! A whopping £125 - but I managed to apply the Himmat Principle again and found it for £100. This is still waaaay over my budget - £30 more than what Gurcharan paid for his. Oh well, lets hope she is worth the extra £30.
My husband says I will be the belle of the ball with that lil baby! My husband says all the other travellers will look at me in awe! They will say "ooohh aahhhh she is a pukka backpacker she is!" awwwww im in a happy place now! :O)
haha - that last paragraph is too funny! ;o)
Check for one on ebay, you might get it even cheaper :-)
Preet's weird! but a comfortable and sturday bag is a must for 6 months travelling.
Prabhu Singh...The one that preet wants doesnt appear on ebay often, if at all, i have seen one but at full price. plenty of non branded cheap bags on there but dont know if they would last.
The bag looks bigger than Preet!
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