Monday, 28 January 2008


This is where we're staying in in Pai.
Its made of bamboo and is the roof is thatched with grass and leaves. The furniture inside is made of thick bamboos and the bed is draped with a flowing white mosquito net (although I haven't seen any mosquitoes so far as its not the season for it).
The whole front side is made of glass doors which all open so that there are only 3 solid walls to the hut.
Breakfast near the coy pond
A long windey cobble path lit with linen lamp shades leads to the reception area which has a coi pond and bamboo bridges and beautiful bright red Japanese umbrellas.
A circular bamboo staircase leads to the open air message parlour.

I could live here forever! :o)


Anonymous said...

It is spelled Paradise...

Preet said...

oooooh so brainy anonymous!
Firstly, its 'spelt' not 'spelled'!

Secondly, Pairadise is a play-on-words...!

Thirdly, you're much too clever for your own good! hahahaha! :-p

Anonymous said...

Actually you will find that BOTH are correct. "Spelt" is British English and "spelled" is used in international English.

Also, play on words does not require any hyphens. You could have have also used the term "pun".

Yes, I realised 'Pairadise' was eluding to the fact that you and your husband are a pair in paradise. I just thought I would put in my two pence, cents, paisa or whatever you prefer to use.

Happy travels.

p.s. To know the correct spelling of a simple word does not make someone 'clever'...

Preet said...

sheeeesh! keep your pants on clever pants!!!

ps Pairadise - eluding to the fact that we were in a place called Pai at the time...actually! Not so clever afterall, eh?! :-p

Anonymous said...

I guess no one is as clever as you, Preet. Happy travels.